Feb 21
Is Your Church an Event or a Family?
Is church an event or a family?
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
The church is called to care for one another like Christ cares for us.
Keep ReadingDoes it really matter how we treat immigrants and refugees? What does Jesus have to say?
Keep ReadingThis is a lament for all the hard things we face in life.
Keep ReadingHave you ever wondered how the church shows us Jesus? Here's how.
Keep ReadingWhat does it look for believers to speak the gospel to one another?
Keep ReadingWhy our hearts are at risk with this global pandemic.
Keep ReadingRead some great quotes on hunger and thirsting for the things of God.
Keep ReadingListen to this new tune set to a wonderful hymn about being satisfied in Jesus.
Keep ReadingWhat does it look for true revival in our church and in our lives?
Keep ReadingWhat do some of the wisest Christians have to say about true revival?
Keep ReadingThe key to a blessed life is found in fearing the Lord. Here's how you can do that today!
Keep ReadingWhat does the resurrection of Jesus have to do with our everyday lives? More than you think!
Keep ReadingWhy does it matter that Jesus rose from the dead? Can our faith still be true if the tomb was not empty?
Keep ReadingIs the resurrection just wishful thinking for a bunch of ancient people? Or is it the event that changes everything?
Keep ReadingJesus knows death is waiting for him in Jerusalem, but he goes to lay down his life for his friend.
Keep ReadingJesus is on the road to glory as the coming King. But there is something awaiting him in Jerusalem.
Keep ReadingJesus calls 12 men to be a new humanity and to turn the world upside down.
Keep ReadingAs Jesus beings his ministry he is testing with one central question — what kind of Messiah is Jesus going to be?
Keep ReadingFaith is not an easy thing. It's a fight. But the good news is that we don't have to fight alone.
Keep ReadingThe Christian Life is the blessed life. However, blessing does not mean that there is no suffering.
Keep ReadingRunning is hard. And so is the Christian life. How can we continue in the faith and run with endurance?
Keep ReadingLooking back on 10 years of Christ Fellowship shows us that we have been shown unmeasurable grace!
Keep ReadingHave you ever felt like finding and following God’s will is confusing? Well, let me clear this up for us.
Keep ReadingGod's people will forever live in the presence of God who will rejoice over them. Here's the proof.
Keep ReadingLife is hard and there are so many reasons to have no peace. But Christ is with us. And he is himself our peace.
Keep ReadingLife is hard. But God is faithful. Here is a list of some amazing Bible verses about the faithfulness of God.
Keep ReadingFeb 21
Is church an event or a family?
Oct 29
We all find our identity in something. For Christians, it must be Christ.
Oct 8
God is much more amazing than the ways we often think of him.
Sep 25
Have you ever wondered how the church shows us Jesus? Here's how.
Sep 18
The world is dark right now. Here's how to speak hope.
Aug 27
What does it look for believers to speak the gospel to one another?
Aug 19
Why we need both the gospel and community?
Jul 16
How can Christians honor God with their decisions?
Apr 9
Listen to a new CFC orginial song!
Mar 4
What does it look like to salt and light?
Sep 18
What does it look for true revival in our church and in our lives?
Feb 20
The Christian Life is the blessed life. However, blessing does not mean that there is no suffering.
Apr 2
Good Friday. Easter Sunday. What do you do on Average Monday?
May 19
I wrote this 3 years ago when my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Pray it helps someone who might be suffering today.
Apr 25
Men's Round-Table is a monthly discuss for men around the things of God. This month, gather with us as we talk about dealing with the feelings of guilt and shame.
Mar 28
God is calling men to not live passionless and purposeless lives but to live more for the glory of God.
Feb 21
Men's Round-table this Wednesday at 7am at Starbucks Downtown
Feb 17
How do you get your heart ready for revival? What do you do to prepare yourself for revival?
Feb 16
What would it look like if God showed up at our church? What would be the evidence of God being present among us? What fruit would the Spirit bring?
Feb 15
Christ Fellowship Church is having a revival this weekend! Well, at least we hope we have one this weekend. Revival is a supernatural work of the Spirit among God's people through his Word. How should we pray for this upcoming weekend?
Jan 24
We have a montly Men's Round-Table to discuss issues of biblical manhood. Come join us!
Jan 13
Sometimes it's hard to know what to be looking for when reading your Bible, we encourage people at CFC to look for the gospel when you read. Here is how. . .
Dec 29
Every Christian should desire to listen to God speak to them. Every Christian should have a plan to read God's Word. Why not use the "New Testament Reading and Reflection Plan" from CFC?
Oct 11
What if your mission should be the church's mission? What if the one thing that you were called to do is the same is all other believers? Read now.
Feb 25
An open letter to those who are in love with their phones.
Jan 6
We have members of CFC in India right now and we want to be praying for them.
Nov 2
We are children of the King. This should change everything in our lives. Please read and keep this document "A Child of the King" for your soul.
Oct 20
God has really stirred the women of our church towards deeper women's ministry at our church. Women are wanting to grow in Christ and grow together. Here are some way we are praying God will do this among us.
Aug 28
How does God build true community? How do we see the church unified together? Only one way. . . .
Aug 1
Why do we gather together? Why do we sing songs? What's the goal of our gathering? Jared Wilson helps us see what our hearts should be aiming at.
Jul 14
How can you help with the latest building project?
Jul 10
Every Sunday a pastor gets up to preach and to teach the Word for the Congregation, yet does the congregation ever stop to ask "what is our role?"
May 5
In light of Sunday's sermon. . . .how priveleged are we on this side of the cross of Jesus!
The Millennial's of today are facing some of the greatest struggles of our day. We struggle with change, with getting jobs, with choosing schools, etc. However, none of these can contend with the greatest struggle of all: Being Present.
Mar 26
What does it look like to be a church that is sharing the gospel everyday? What does it mean to really be on mission?
Mar 10
Words that the world by storm. Words become common place. What if the gospel was the buzzword of our day? What if it was the buzzword of our church?
Jan 30
This Sunday is going to be an exciting time to celebrate all that God has done for CFC and to look forward to all that God will do in the future. Here is why I am excited and you should be too. . .
Jan 26
What if your Gospel is too small? Don't short change how good the good news really is.
Dec 24
What we miss in all of this Christmas noise? A King has come!
Dec 5
What can the church learn from this Ferguson moment? When the culture is swarming with confusion, do we retreat or do we speak truth? The gospel leaves us no choice.
Nov 4
One of the greatest enemies of the church is our love for the world. The more we love the world, the less we love Christ or the lost around us.
Oct 30
How does God both love sinners and love his glory at the same time? That's a hard question yet as we read from John Piper that God's answer comes in the gospel.
Oct 15
Tim Challies writes wise counsel for members of all churches. Counsel about how you can best be used in your church.
Oct 6
What do you do when life falls apart? What would you do if you were imprisoned for your faith? Read an amazing letter from Pastor Saeed who was imprisoned for his faith yet whose faith remains unshaken.
Aug 26
Why are you not talking to yourself? Sound weird? Speaking truth to yourself is the most important thing you will do today. Listen to this profound truth fleshed out by Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Aug 14
As people who have been born into sin, we are prone to walk in pride. As believers who have been redeemed in Christ, we are redeemed to walk in humility. Read how our union with Christ frees us to walk in humility.
Jul 30
How do we further the mission of God without hurting the people of our city? What we learned from our study through When Helping Hurts...
Jul 18
Are you currently in a dating relationship? Do you desire to honor Christ as you grow together? Here is some of the best advice I have heard.
Jul 8
Why do we often stop short of true repentance? Why do deal with our sin in a half-hearted way? Let's see what are cheap substitutes for repentance.
Jun 27
As a church, we are deeply invested in taking the gospel to Haiti. We have sent teams to partner with a church in St. Marc through the Haiti Collective and now we are sending one of our own to invest their life in the people of Haiti.
May 30
What do you do when you suffer? Have you tried singing to the Lord? Check out some songs that have blessed me this week.
May 16
Do you get overwhelmed? Find out the missing piece that's make you feel that way.
May 12
What do you say to someone suffering? What do you say to someone struggling with sin? Read to find out what we can and should say.
May 5
Are we too focused on this life that the next seems blurry? Read this blog post to find out!
May 2
Is it enough to just talk about the gospel? Can we claim to be gospel-centered and yet miss what God wants for us?
Apr 28
Got a bad case of the Mondays? Read how yesterday's sermon can stick with you all day Monday and the rest of the week.