Is the peace of God is reigning over you today? Do you feel at peace? Do you know the peace of God? Is your life marked by peace?
Maybe you look at your life and you think of these words:
Difficult. Overwhelming. Depressing. Confusing. Painful. Chaotic.
You see, the truth is Jesus never promised that life would be easy. He was clear that in this life we would know many troubles. But he was also clear that he would never leave us. Jesus is also with us. And he is himself our peace.
We just finished a 13-week series through the book of 1 Peter. And here are all the ways that I could find in the whole book that we should be at peace in Christ:
We are elect exiles (1:1).
We are known by God (1:2).
We have been sanctified by the Spirit (1:2).
We have been sprinkled with the blood of Christ (1:2).
We have been born again by his grace (1:3).
We have a living hope by his resurrection (1:3).
We have an inheritance that will never fade away (1:4).
It can never be taken away from us (1:5).
We have a faith that is tested by the fire (1:7).
We have a joy that is strengthened by the storms (1:6,8).
We have a salvation that is treasured by the angels (1:9–12).
We are God’s ransomed slaves (1:13).
We are God’s holy children (1:14).
We are God’s purchased people (1:18).
We were bought not with gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ, our spotless Passover Lamb (1:19–21).
We have been given purified hearts (1:22).
We have been born by God’s abiding word (1:23–25).
We have tasted that the Lord is good (2:3).
We are living stones (2:4).
We are God’s spiritual house (2:5).
We are a holy priesthood (2:5).
We are a chosen race (2:9).
We are a royal priesthood (2:9).
We are a holy nation (2:9).
We are a people for his own possession (2:9).
Once we were not a people, but now we are his (2:10).
Once we had no mercy, but we know nothing but mercy (2:10).
Christ is our Master (2:16).
Christ is our Example (2:21–24).
Christ is our Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (2:25).
Christ is our Husband (3:1–7).
Christ is our Lord (3:15).
Jesus suffering once for our sins (3:18).
Jesus, the righteous, died for the unrighteous (3:18).
Jesus brought us to God (3:18).
We died with Jesus (3:18–19).
We passed through the waters with Jesus (3:19–21).
We were raised with Jesus (3:21).
We have a Savior in heaven (3:22).
He is at the right hand of God (3:22).
Angels, authorities, and power are under his feet (3:22).
And he is coming again for us (4:7).
His Love helps us cover a multitude of sins (4:8).
His Gifts help us serve one another (4:9–11).
His Joy helps us when we face trials (4:12–13.
His Spirit helps us when we are tested (4:14).
His Faithfulness helps us when we suffer (4:19).
He is our Chief Shepherd (5:4).
He is our unfading crown of glory (5:4).
He is our greatest picture of humility (5:5).
He is the Strength of God’s mighty hand (5:6).
He is the Victory of God’s defeat over the devil (5:9).
He is the Grace that restores us (5:10).
That confirms us (5:10).
That strengthens us (5:10).
That establishes us (5:10).
And he is our peace (5:14).
This is not our home. We are sojourners and exiles. And our exile might seem too long. And our exile might seem too painful. And our exile might seem too hard. But Christ is with us.
And he is himself our peace.