This past week, I was thinking about preaching on the resurrection for Easter Sunday. I was meditating on these words of the angel in Matthew 28:5-6: "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said."
The good news of Jesus hit me in a fresh new way. This is not just good news for Jesus that he is alive. This is good news for me. The good news of the gospel is that when Jesus said "It is Finished", my sin was finished too. When Jesus rose again, I was raised to new life with him. When Jesus defeated death, I was set free forever. This new song was the overflow of meditating on the truth that I am alive in Christ.
Come and see how He came down to earth
Come and see how He came down to serve
The humble King who was sinless from birth
The spotless Lamb for the sins of the world
Come and see how He suffered for us
Come and see how He hung on a cross
He bore our curse as He died in our place
The curtain tore then He laid in the grave
It is finished—I'm no longer a slave
He is risen—I'm no longer in the grave
Death's defeated—Oh I am free indeed
Come and see—He is alive
Come and see where they laid Him to rest
Come and see where He has laid down death
See the stone is rolled away from the tomb
See the vict'ry that's now come for you
Come and see I'm alive again
I'm alive again in Him
Word and Music By Lance Parrott
© 2020 Christ Fellowship Church