If God has a plan for my life, then I wish he would tell me!
Maybe you’ve felt this way before. You’ve probably heard that God has a plan for your life. And you’ve probably heard that you need to figure out what his will is for your life. But how? How can I know that I’m following God’s will for my life?
Well, you’ve probably heard it put like this before: God has a mysterious secret will for your life. And you have to work hard to figure it out. He’s not going to tell you. But you need to figure it out. You better get it right or you’re really going to mess up your life.
You better figure out what jobs he wants you to take. You better figure which person is your soul mate so you know who to marry. You better figure out which city he wants you to live in. You better figure which combo he wants you to order at Wendy’s. That one’s easy — the 4 for 4!
Have you ever felt like finding and following God’s will is confusing? Like it’s really hard to know? Well, let me clear this up for us. This is God’s will for you:
- Believe in Jesus.
- Be Like Jesus
- Be a Light for Jesus
First, he wants us to believe in Jesus. In John 6:40, Jesus tells us the Father’s will is that we believe in Jesus and receive eternal life in him. God sent Jesus to the world so that he might live for us, die for us, and be raised for us. And he you wants to accept that gift of love and salvation by believing in Jesus. God wants you to look to Jesus alone to save you and to give you life.
God’s will is that you believe in Jesus.
Second, he wants us to be like Jesus. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Paul writes — “This is God’s will for you: your sanctification.” The word sanctification means to be holy. God wants you to be holy. And the only want you can do that is being like Jesus. You see, God wants us to be like Jesus. He wants us to be holy like Jesus. To be loving like Jesus. To be gracious like Jesus. God doesn’t care if you're the CEO of your company or if you clean the toilets. God cares if you’re like Jesus or not.
God’s will is that you be like Jesus.
Third, God wants us to be a light for Jesus. It’s God’s will that whatever you do, where ever you go — that you shine that light of Jesus. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus tells us to let our light shine before the world. He wants us to share the gospel with our neighbors. He wants us to do good works in our city. He wants us to point the people in our lives to Jesus. He wants us to take the name of Jesus to the unreached peoples of the world. Jesus wants us to shine the light of his love and grace to the ends of the earth.
God’s will is that we be a light for Jesus.
So how can we live according to God’s will for our lives? We do want God tells us. We fill our minds and our lives with his will. We believe in Jesus. We become more and more like Jesus. And we live as lights for Jesus in our city and to the ends of the earth.
You see, God’s will is not a mystery. He has given us clearly in his word what he wants of us. So let’s live our days seeking to be filled with the knowledge of his will so that we might walk in a manner worthy of our Savior and King, Jesus (Colossian 1:9–10).