It took over 16 years to write this song.
Jesus saved me when I was a senior in high school. And I spent my years in college growing in my faith and as a disciple of Christ. As I was coming out of college, I began to really grasp the depths of the gospel, especially the meaning of the cross. So I began writing a song about all the incredible ways the Bible displays the cross.
After many, many rewrites of the lyrics and many, many different versions of the music—I was able with God's help to (finally!) land on a version of the song that I would want to sing with my brothers and sisters at Christ Fellowship. In fact, I would often think of the faces of people in our church and the lines I thought they would love to sing.
The goal of this song was to dig deep into the meaning of the cross in the verses. For nearly every line of the verses, there is a specific verse or passage in mind. I wanted to stuff the song full of the Bible's language on the cross. But I wanted the song to go beyond just the Biblical ideas. I wanted a song in which we could celebrate our hope in the cross together. So in the chorus, we declare that the cross of Jesus is our glory, our life, our hope, and the only place we stand.
Behold the cross where Jesus died
His grace and justice satisfied
Would prove the depths of His great love
By shedding His own precious blood
Although our sin was high and wide
Our guilt and shame too deep to hide
We have this hope one perfect plea
The cross of Christ has set us free
In the cross of Christ we glory
In the cross of Christ we live
In the cross our hope will never fail
In the cross of Christ we stand
Behold the weight befalling Him
As He was made to be our sin
To rescue from death and its throes
And save us to the uttermost
One spotless sacrifice for all
To ransom His own from the Fall
Our curse was His upon the Tree
His blessings ours eternally
Behold the work of Christ complete
The Lamb upon the Mercy Seat
Who purchased for Himself a Bride
From every tongue, nation, and tribe
So we will boast in this alone
Not what we have, not what we’ve done
Not the best off’ring of our hands
But in the cross of Christ we stand
Words and Music by Jody Sledge
Vocals by Claire Smith
© 2021 Christ Fellowship Church