There's lots of confusion about how to read the Bible today.
The Bible is not a self-help book. It’s not a religious set of rules and dos and don’ts. It’s not a secret codebook to the end times. It’s not a moral guidebook seeking to make us good. The Bible is a book that tells the story of a King who lost his people and who stopped at nothing to win them back. The Bible is a book all about Jesus.
You see, the Bible is not first and foremost about you. If you’re reading the Law and the Prophets thinking they’re about you—you’re reading them wrong. If you're reading the New Testament thinking it's all about you—you're reading it wrong. The Bible is not primarily about you. It's all about Jesus.
You are not supposed to be the hero of every story. Jesus is. You are not supposed to be David defeating the giants of worry and stress in your life. Jesus is the True David who defeats the enemies of Satan and sin and death. You are not supposed to be Esther standing up for God on Twitter—for such a tweet as this! No! Jesus is the True Esther who gives up his life and on the third day delivers us from death.
From cover to cover we see Jesus is the Hero. Jesus is the point. Jesus is the Treasure. The Bible is all about Jesus.
He is the Creator in Genesis.
He is the Passover Lamb in Exodus.
He is the Great High Priest of Leviticus.
He is Moses’s bronze serpent in Numbers.
He is the New Moses in Deuteronomy.
He is the Commander of the Lord’s army in Joshua.
He is the Faithful Ruler in Judges.
He is the Kinsman Redeemer in Ruth.
He is the Shepherd King of Samuel.
He is the Righteous King of kings.
He is Isaiah’s Suffering Servant.
He is Jeremiah’s Righteous Branch.
He is Ezekiel’s River of Life.
He is the Faithful Husband in Hosea.
He is the Day of the Lord in Joel.
He is the One who bears our burdens in Amos.
He is the Judge of all the earth in Obadiah.
He is Micah’s Everlasting king.
He is our Avenger in Nahum.
He is the Giver of faith in Habakkuk.
He is One who sings over us in Zephaniah.
He is Haggai’s new and better temple.
He is the Priest-king of Zachariah.
He is the Sun of Righteousness in Malachi.
In Job, he is our Living Redeemer.
In Psalms, he is our Song.
In Proverbs, he is our Wisdom.
In Song of Solomon, he is our Groom.
In Ecclesiastes, he is our Life over the sun.
In Lamentations, he is the Hope in the midst of pain.
He is the Son of Man in Daniel.
He is the Rescuer of Esther.
He is the new exile in Ezra.
He is the new Jerusalem in Nehemiah.
He is the new David in Chronicles.
He is Matthew’s King of the Jews.
He is Mark’s Christ the Messiah.
He is Luke’s Savior of the world.
He is John’s Son of the Living God.
He is the Risen Lord in Acts.
He is the payment for our sins in Romans.
He is the head of the church in 1 Corinthians.
He is the glory of God revealed in 2 Corinthians.
He is our righteousness in Galatians.
He is our grace in Ephesians.
He is our peace in Philippians.
He is our hope in Colossians.
He is the One coming again in 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
He is the One mediator of 1 & 2 Timothy.
He is the One who faithfully pastors us in Titus.
He is the One who restores us in Philemon.
He is the New Covenant in Hebrews.
He is the New Law in James.
He is our Cornerstone in 1 Peter.
He is our Coming King in 2 Peter.
He is our Advocate in 1,2, and 3 John.
He is our Savior who keeps us in Jude.
In Revelation, he is the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ — the Risen Lamb who was slain.
The Bible is big. The Bible is wonderful. And it's all about Jesus.