Redeemed to Know God's Name
Preacher: Jody Sledge Series: Exodus Part 2 Scripture: Exodus 33:19–34:8
Ever just had to know someone's name? Maybe it was a pro athlete. Or a musician. Or someone catching your eye on the block. Knowing someone's name can be one of the most important things about them. Moses, looking for some assurance from God, comes and asks to see God's glory and He speaks His Name. Listen as pastor Jody Sledge helps us to understand the Name of God and challenges us to live for the glory of the Name that is above every other.
other sermons in this series
May 31
Redeemed to Reflect God's Glory
Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: Exodus 34:10–34:10 Series: Exodus Part 2
May 17
Redeemed to See a Savior
Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: Exodus 32:30–33:17 Series: Exodus Part 2
May 10
Redeemed to Guard Our Hearts
Preacher: Jody Sledge Scripture: Exodus 32:1–32:35 Series: Exodus Part 2