Learning to Serve Like Jesus
Preacher: Jody Sledge Series: Covenant Sunday Sermons Scripture: John 13:1–38
Serving tables can be a fun job. But it's not at the top of the list of great jobs. No waiter at Waffle House is making the cover of Wall Street Journal. And that's because serving isn't really valued in our culture. It's humbling. It's hard. It's not glamorous. But it is what Jesus did. Listen as pastor Jody Sledge calls us to come to Christ and to learn from him how to serve.
other sermons in this series
Feb 2
The Fullness of Jesus
Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: Ephesians 1:15–23 Series: Covenant Sunday Sermons
Feb 7
Where Do We Go From Here?
Preacher: Jody Sledge Scripture: Romans 12:12 Series: Covenant Sunday Sermons
Feb 1
Being a People of Praise
Preacher: Jody Sledge Scripture: Psalm 145:1–21 Series: Covenant Sunday Sermons