January 26, 2020

The Hungry and the Thirsty

Preacher: Jody Sledge Series: Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:6

Everyone is hungry and thirsty for something. We all long for something or someone that will truly satisfy us. But Jesus calls us in this Beatitude to have a hunger and thirst for his kingdom. Listen as pastor Jody Sledge helps us to see just what it looks like to hunger and thirst for righteousness and to be satisfied in Christ.

other sermons in this series

Jun 28


The Marks of a Disciple

Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: Matthew 7:13–27 Series: Sermon on the Mount

Jun 21


The Ask

Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: Matthew 7:7–12 Series: Sermon on the Mount

Jun 14


The Speck and the Log

Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: Matthew 7:1–6 Series: Sermon on the Mount