
Over the last few years, we've offered Men's Fellowships 4 times a year where brothers can fellowship and hear the Word preached together. We all have been blessed by this ministry. These men's fellowships will continue in the same way in 2017 (Next one Feb. 20).

This year I want to offer you another wonderful opportunity- Men's Monthly Round-tables. A monthly morning round-table for men to discuss topics like godly manhood, theology, bible, fighting sins, the gospel, mission, church, and many more.

The article will rarely be over 10 pages and will be a tool for gospel-centered discussion. If you can't make it to every single one that's okay. If you didn't finish that month's article that's fine as well. Our aim is gospel-centered discussions that leads to gospel-centered men leading gospel-centered families and a gospel-centered church!

1st Men's Monthly Round-table will be January 25th at the Starbucks Downtown at 7am.

Article for January 25th: "8 Characteristics of Gospel Centered Sanctification"

See you Tomorrow morning!