March 2, 2014

Gifts of the Spirit

Preacher: Lance Parrott Series: 1 Corinthians Part 2 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1–12:7

Who is the greatest giver in our church? Who gives more time, more resources, more love to our church than anyone? Answer - God. There is no one who can out give God. God gives us his Son, his Spirit, and, through the Spirit, gifts to the church. Listen as pastor Lance Parrott calls us to see that every Christian has the Spirit, every Christian has a gift from the Spirit, and every Christian is empowered by God to use that gift for the common good of the church.

other sermons in this series

May 18


Walking in Renewal

Preacher: Lance Parrott Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:12–16:24 Series: 1 Corinthians Part 2

May 11


Supporting the Mission

Preacher: Jody Sledge Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:58–16:11 Series: 1 Corinthians Part 2

Apr 13


Order in Worship

Preacher: Jody Sledge Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:26–14:40 Series: 1 Corinthians Part 2